CRYPTOMONADALES - Food for all generation
Like plants, the green algae contain chlorophyll, which they use to capture light energy to fuel the manufacture of sugars, but unlike plants they are primarily aquatic.
Cryptomonadales - King of Algae |
Cryptomonadales is the most complete food among all the algae. Cryptomonadales are an oval single cell organism, similar to the human red blood cell. It is a member of the fresh water algae. The average size is 2-8 micron. Cryptomonadales require solar energy to carry out photosynthesis, meaning that it requires only carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen and solar energy. The reproduction of cryptomonadales is a-sexual, i.e. in every generation one cell will divide into four cells. Cryptomonadales contain very high amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins (A and B), minerals, chlorophyll and CGF (cell growth factor). For example, green algae contain 50% protein. In comparison, rice has only 7%, wheat has 11%, and soybean has 38% protein. CGF can promote growth for human and animals. It can also prevent diseases. CGF contains sulfur, nucleotide and peptide, but its exact chemical structure is still unknown. CGF is not a vitamin or pure mineral, it is not a plant growth hormones such as Auxin or Gibberellin. Cryptomonadales contain no harmful substances, even in excess amounts.
Properties of Cryptomonadales |
- They multiply very rapidly in optimal conditions.
- Cultivation is easy to manage. · They can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.
- The entire cell of cryptomonadales is edible.
- It contains high amount of proteins with a balanced composition of component amino acids.
- It has high vitamin content. · It has a high content of chlorophyllin.
- It contains a substance that can stimulate growth in animals.
- It contains an anti-inflammatory substance.
- It contains a flavour enhancer and odour controlling substance.
- It has emulsifying properties

Nutritionals of Cryptomonadales
Protein | 56-60% | Phycocyanin | 4% |
Carbohydrate | 14% | Chlorophyll | 4% |
Fat | 8% | C.G.F | 4% |
Fiber | 4% | Water | 3% |
Ash | 3% | GLA | 8% |
Vitamins: |
Vitamin A | 50000 — 55000IU |
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Pantothetic acid | 25 — 27mg |
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Vitamin E | 9000 — 100000IU |
Beta-Carotene | 600 — 800mg |
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