Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cryptomonadales Versus Modern Medicine

Most people are under the impression that only doctors and medicines can cure all types of disease. In fact this is a wrong impression. The real cure and prevention of disease comes in the form of the natural inborn protection and immunity. Of course doctors can cure diseases through operation and medicine. When the disease is overpowering as compared with our immunity systems, our body reach an unhealthy balance. It is only when the immunity systems re-enforces itself, our body is to be recovering.

The approach of western medicine is to cure disease. For example if the patient has liver problems, doctor gives medicine for that particular problem. However, that particular medicine may be good for addressing the liver problems, but it may be bad for the other organs like the stomach or kidney found within our body systems. This is what we mean by side effects. Cryptomonadales can prevent several diseases by building and strengthening our immune systems naturally.

Cryptomonadales and Cancer
Cancer had been associated with acidic systems, oxidizing agents, poor eating habits and lifestyle. As discussed earlier Cryptomonadales in association with the healthy life style can help with the prevention of chronic disease such as cancer. Cryptomonadales shows great promise as a source of essential nutrients, a means of detoxification, and a stimulator for the immune system for cancer patients. Research has shown that Cryptomonadales can increase the production of interferon, an important immune fighting factor, which is beneficial to cancer patients.

Cryptomonadales and Diabetes
The initial symptoms of diabetes mellitus are drinking more, eating more and urinating more. This is followed by teeth and gum disease, reduced eyesight and reduced sexual desire. Diabetes can cause chronic complication, like kidney, nerves and eye disorders. Kidney disorders in turn will cause body edema or uremia and cerebral hemorrhage induced by hypertension. On the other hand complications of the nervous disorders can cause numerous problems including intense pain. Finally, the eye disorders are identified to cataracts and diabetic retina pathology.

As with diabetes, there are still the problems of increasing of cholesterol, the hardening of the arteries leading to myocardial infarction. Diabetes have acidic and imbalance internal state. Cryptomonadales can help rectify this situation by helping with the treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus.

Cryptomonadales and Stomach and Intestine diseases
Cryptomonadales can repair mucous membranes, which line the stomach, and intestines because it lowers acidity and help restore natural balance for health.

The basis treatments for stomach and intestine disorders are: -
1. Repair of stomach and intestine wall tissues
2. Recovery of normal functioning of the mucous membranes
3. Recover the balancing of the intestinal bacterial flora
4. Improves the digestion function

Cryptomonadales can assist with these recovery processes.

Possible causes for stomach and intestine disorders:
1. Refined food such as white rice and sugar
2. Insufficient chewing of food
3. Lack of a variety of vegetables
4. Often eating animal proteins, meat, eggs etc. which is not easy to digest.

Cryptomonadales and Liver disorders
Cryptomonadales can have very good results on liver functions.
1. Increase liver tissue regrowth
2. Increase overall metabolism
3. Increase liver-enforcement factor
4. Promote blood flow in the liver

Generally speaking, the reasons for liver disorders are due to bacteria or virus caused by drinking large quantities of alcohol and environmental toxins. In fact these causes only touch the surface of the problem. The real reason liver disorders are contributed by the internal state of the human beings, for example "body qualities", weakening of the liver tissues. Perhaps the greatest factor for these liver problems is attributed to the continuous intake of the wrong food.

Cryptomonadales and Kidney disorders
The kidneys excrete all unwanted metabolized products in our bodies via our urine. This is one way our blood is kept clean. For kidney Cryptomonadales has the following effects: -

1. Improved mineral metabolization
2. Improved allergic body quality
3. Prevent kidney from bleeding
4. Eliminate acid body qualities

Often kidney disorders can be traced back to unhealthy life style.
Cryptomonadales and Allergy

The so-called allergic body is one that over reacts to the invasion of foreign objects. "Allergic body quality" can easily cause inflammation. The key to health is to change this "allergic body quality" to a better-balanced body by strengthening the assimilation process. No matter how many foreign objects invade the healthy body, this foreign object will be changed to harmless non-hazardous object by the assimilation process. Cryptomonadales can strengthen the process of assimilation further.
Cryptomonadales and Anemia
Anemia is a disorder characterized by the shortage of red blood cells in the blood. In other word, red blood cells cannot be produced in sufficient numbers. The human body relies on blood cell to transport nutrition to cells. When the numbers of red blood cells decrease, the metabolism of the tissues will also decrease. This in turn will decrease all bodily function leading also to the decreased capacity of the immune system.

Having sufficient number of red blood cells are very important because red blood cells carry oxygen to our body tissues and at the same time removes wastage. When anemia occurs, nutrition transporting oxygen exchange process will be slowed down. This will gradually bring about the bodily functions being disturbed. In order to prevent and treat anemia, it is critical to improve the number of red blood cells. Cryptomonadales with its high content of chlorophyll and being rich in B12 can help increase the production of red blood cells.

Iron is also a major component of Cryptomonadales. Iron is also an essential element in the element in the structure of red blood cells. The body's vitamin A will benefit from the beta-carotene contained in Cryptomonadales. Beta-carotene can help improve circulation and the unit function of the red blood cells.

Cryptomonadales and Cataracts
With regards to degenerative diseases of the eyes-cataracts and chronic retina degeneration are quite common occurrences in recent years. Cryptomonadales could improve the condition of chronic eye diseases. Since eye malfunction is caused by metabolism disturbance of the whole body system and natural aging process, Cryptomonadales addresses these chronic conditions while protecting the sensitive tissues found in the eyes.

Cryptomonadales can improve the condition of the chronic eye disease because:
Cryptomonadales in combination with a healthy life style can slow down the aging process of the body system and adjust the body to function in a more balanced state.
Cryptomonadales contain important vitamin, which are essential elements for eye tissue maintenance and repair.

Cryptomonadales contain essential basic protein, which are necessary to build all new tissues in the human body as the old ones ware out. What the essential mineral does is to improve the overall body functions. Chlorophyll and major component of Cryptomonadales function as a kind of blood streams cleaner. Some of these element contained in the Cryptomonadales are helpful in preventing and treating eye disorders. These elements include: beta-carotene which is the main element to build up the membranes found in the eyes; Vitamin E which helps to build colloidin for repair of the cell, iron which prevent fatigue of the eye; pantothenic acid and choline which can improve metabolism in the brain.

Regulatory autonomic system
When people are under lots of stress, this system will eventually present itself. People with constipation problems will show symptoms such as bloatiness, reduction of appetite, burning sensation of the stomach and gas in the stomach. They will also feel extremely thirsty, shoulder pains, headache, dizziness, fatigue and ill temper.

The method suggested in treating constipation is to correct their eating habits, for example eating natural food to increase bowel movement. People should build up the friendly bacteria in the bowels (which reduced tension in the intestine) and exercise regularly. Cryptomonadales is a natural food, which can help to correct these problems.

In order to improve fatigue, we will need to improve the stamina and function of the various bodily systems. This can be achieved by using natural food treatments that helps to improve the problem of fatigue.

Back pain:
Human being often suffers from the back pain mainly attributed to standing on our feet too long. The neck and back are the weakest points on the human body, so it only natural that they can get hurt easily. Some general reason why people suffer from the back pain are:
a. Lack of exercise
b. Sudden pressure of the back, example playing golf or driving long distance
c. Stress, continuously caused by muscles tension adding strain on the back muscles

Back pain can be overcome by improving the body's circulation systems. Cryptomonadales work well on our body circulation systems.

Headache whether it is normal headache or migraine is caused by two main factors. The first factor is related to the muscles. This happens when people over eat, especially if their daily food intake consists mainly of meat, which produces acid materials within the body systems. The acid materials will then cause muscle contraction, which lead to headache.

The second factor causes a type of headache known as vessel type headache. This type of headache is caused by over eating of white refined sugar. This causes our body to lack vitamin B, which disturbs the nervous system that controls the vessel. This type of headache is more common among women rather than men.

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